Coronavirus Advice

With Coronavirus in the news, we here at Bretsa want to make sure that our team are keeping safe. 

There can be no symptoms for up to 2 weeks after infection, and people such as the elderly, those with weaker immune systems or those with chronic illnesses need to take extra care.

Even if you don’t fall into the above groups, it’s still best to be careful!

It is spread through close contact with infected people, most likely when:

  • someone infected coughs or sneezes, or
  • someone infected has touched a surface that you then touch and then touch your own mouth, nose or eyes.

General tips for practitioners:

  • If you, or a colleague sneeze or cough, please make sure they use a tissue and clean your hands with sanitising gel
    • Make sure to remind people who don’t cover their mouths when the sneeze or cough to do so – they might be putting you at risk
    • Do not re-use tissues – they must go straight in the bin
    • If you do not have a tissue, then cough into the crook of your elbow
  • Keep surfaces clean, especially those that are touched by lots of people like door handles, meeting rooms and kitchen
    • Wipe your own desk, keyboard, mouse each morning
    • Offer to wipe public spaces or items such as door handles, photocopier, meeting room spaces
    • Wash your hands when you get in to the setting or home from work, especially if you have been using public transport
    • The virus is thought to live on surfaces for up to 72 hours, so regular cleaning matters

These are the symptoms to look out for:

  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • fever

If you do develop these symptoms, you should stay at home and call 111. Don’t go to the doctors, the hospital or any settings.

For more information, you can read the government’s guidance here:

Posted by: Bretsa on February 26th, 2020 @ 3:26 PM


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